Bringing Natural Nutritional Energy to Life

Body Ease
by Scott Hilson

Friday, June 20th, 2003 at 6pm PST

Hello everyone, this is my first posting to the White Gold listing . . .

My name is Scott Hilsen, I am 44 years old and living in Normandy Park, WA which is between Puget Sound and SeaTac International Airport. I joined this group about a month ago and started on the ORMUS 100% Welch's frozen grape juice (NO added sugar/NO aspartame) plus baking soda.

After two weeks of the $2 Monatomic grape drink, I had almost totally lost my cravings for sugar. Funny how a sugar based ORMUS would work better than anything else I have tried on a sugar addiction problem. The grape juice also has a detoxing and cleansing effect, which worked well for me.

I continued to watch the various postings, researched the different ORMUS websites and took a gamble with starting with the ORMUS Oil of Copper and "Sun and Moon" Silver/Gold Fusion. My first results were so positive I then purchased the M7 Spectrum (Oil fusion of copper, zinc, silver, gold, vanadium, iridium and rhodium), which is only available to White Gold list members.

These Vision Minerals formulations are doing some amazing things for my family and myself.

I have a much greater "body ease" (like having come home from vacation) almost all the time now. I work as an IT manager which is normally continual levels of high stress. I would sleep what seemed like half of my weekends just to get the energy to face another week of computer related hardware and software projects. I don't have a lack of energy problem now. My concentration is great, I don't have the energy fall-offs and general malaise during the later afternoon work week.

I have been using them topically and orally. My hands, head and face (where I have been using the topically) are "youthing" the same is happening to my mother, Dorothy. My hands look 10 to 15 years younger, the skin is softer and more flexible and does not crack and split like it used to over my knuckles. I also have/had about 60 plus "flat" warts on each hand that have been disappearing/dissolving over the last three weeks. It really is unbelievable how much better my hands look. (Sorry I did not take photos. I really did not expect such good results coming into this.)

Dorothy has peripheral neuropathy which means she is loosing feeling in her arms and legs (especially in her left leg) allowing her to only walk with a cane or walker, until recently.

After three weeks of the Gold/Silver Fusion and M7 Spectrum, Dorothy is walking like she did 18 months ago and "furniture surfing" to get around the house when she is tired. Dorothy no longer uses the cane or walker.

My face and body no longer looks swollen and puffy. I feel better than I have in a very long time. I can tell that I am eliminating toxins from my body much better (clear vs. heavy yellow urine, etc.)

I sleep better at night. My dreams are vivid, in color and I remember them much better.

My body feels much more "alive". After the third day of Sun and Moon (orally and topically), I could feel patches of aliveness, which spread, to my whole body over the period of a week. I became angry at the fact that my body was so dead and I didn't realize it. I thought, how could I have been so bad off, when I was doing so much "right" for my health? Clearly, my normal health routine of was not enough.

After about a week, I found that when I "ohm", my whole body vibrates like a tuning fork (really cool . . .)

At about the same time I found using mostly forgotten Tai Chi movements, I could feel my body's energy fields flowing (also really cool . . .)

Now when I just talk, I can feel the resonance of my voice throughout my body and my voice tends to stay in the lower "relaxed" registers.

My ability to taste and smell has doubled (no exaggeration . . .) Food tastes much better now and I am smelling subtleties (good and bad) at work and at home that I never noticed before. I believe that my hearing has even improved . . . I am not asking people to repeat what they say as often. (I had about a 25% hearing loss from when I was working for the Washington State Ferries).

My eyesight sadly remains the same, but I have only been using these formulations for three weeks. I am better "grounded" or "in my body".

My 8 year old daughter has undergone a personality change from being crying/overwhelmed and whiny to in control and mature for her age.

These 4 ounce formulations last anywhere from two to five weeks depending on how much is taken and cost anywhere from $30 individually to $25 in cases of 12 bottles (plus shipping). At least that was the cost last time I ordered.

I have a small group of people excited about trying what I am doing, so Gary and Vivian can expect yet again another case of 12 order. I find that I am giving so much away to my extended family and friends that I have trouble keeping enough at home for my family's use.

I have found that this ORMUS youthing process can be painful (as warned by previous posts using other ORMUS products). For example, my arthritis flared up in my hands four times and then totally disappeared. I find this re-tracing of old and current injuries to come and go depending how much M7 and/or Gold/Silver Fusion I am taking orally/topically. I am orally taking 4 to 8½ droppers full of these formulations daily. That is one full "squeeze" of the dropper's rubber bulb of formula drawn into the dropper.

I find the Gold/Silver Fusion to give a feeling of "being on the mountain top" for those of you who hike and the M7 Spectrum seems to help my emotional, mental and physical grounding at work.

(Please note that it is very important the skin where these formulations are applied is clean and free of soap residue. These formulations will absorb into the skin and take whatever soap or toxins/pollution is residing on the skin with it.)

Needless to say, I am very happy with my experience with Vision Minerals to date.

I would also like to mention that I have put a 1/2 dropper full of the Sun and Moon (Gold/Silver fusion) in our pet hamster's drinking water bottle about one week ago.  Me-Mecheeks (the hamster) seems to be more alert and energetic and survived abuse from 10 eight year old girls we had on a camp fire overnight. 

Our pet "beta" fish also came down with some awful sort of fungus/bacterial (or god knows what) type of infection. Our normal mostly red and some blue beta fish, gave away to all brown and gray (not good . . .)  I used to have an aquarium in my teens and had my all my fish die from what appeared to be this same type of illness, despite buying and using every aquarium medicinal stuff available and keeping the tank very clean. 

Well, I took the beta fish out into a clean large glass of water, put in five 1/2 droppers full of Vision Minerals Sun & Moon (ie Silver/Gold fusion) and one 1/2 dropper full of M7 spectrum and two 1/2 droppers full of oil of copper. 

Within 15 to 20 minutes the all the brown and gray had disappeared and was replaced with the most bright red and blue coloring I had ever seen on this fish.  By the next morning, the beta's eye infection appeared to have fully healed (it was not swollen out to twice its normal size any longer.)  I am very impressed again with what these Vision Minerals formulations can do, not just for me but for my pets.  By all rights, that beta fish was so sick it should have died (some parts of the fish were fuzzy with whatever was growing on it).

I am NOT a doctor and I am NOT making any medical recommendations. I am only relating my personal experiences. These positive experiences may or may not happen for other people. Each person must take responsibility for their own choices. These formulations are experimental and not for human consumption.  Taking any ORMUS products may result in serious health damage or even death. I encourage everyone to research this topic fully to understand all possible consequences of using ORMUS products prior to making any ORMUS product purchases. I do not believe that all ORMUS products are safe. I also believe that even "good" ORMUS products are not for everyone. ORMUS means personal change (physical, emotional and/or spiritual). Not everyone wants or is ready for change.

Scott Hilsen
Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.